In my book, Essential OSGi, I'm using Blender to build pictures of difficult concepts. For example, I'm using physics simulation built into Blender to get a picture. Behind the scenes, I see the 3D animation as a movie. My book only includes one frame as a picture. I'd like to illustrate how things change over time, which is something difficult for me to do in a written presentation. It's kind of a technical 3D animation with Blender.
To illustrate the concept of a JAR in Java, there's nothing better than a glass or plastic jar from the non-technical world. Just as you add classes to a JAR in Java, you can add something to a jar in Blender. With animation, I can illustrate how a JAR changes over time.
Other concepts
How do I illustrate a class? a package? a module? a class library? How do I illustrate using revolution as a software development strategy? using evolution as a software development strategy?
Plus, modules have been used outside of the Java world. Software has been maintained outside of the Java world.
I continue to work toward posting the original 3D animation used to produce the picture in my book.